How to live so as not to cause the yo-yo effect after losing weight
Weight loss is part of everyone’s life. Both overweight and obese people, but also people of relatively normal weight, have tried to reduce their body weight at least once. Sometimes with the help of a dietitian or trainer, sometimes together with a friend, sometimes we decide to try a fashionable detox. Reduction is present in our lives, even if we are not currently trying to lose weight, we certainly know someone who is trying their hand at it.
We can find a lot of information about weight loss on the Internet, in the press, in books or e-books. We know what diet is best to lose weight, how stars lose weight, and what products to avoid. But what to do when it’s already been reduced? Very often, people who have already passed this stage do not quite know what to do next. They have no way to get information about quitting the diet (especially if they were highly deficient diets) and the yo-yo effect is guaranteed.
If you don’t know what to do to get off the diet and not gain weight again, this article is for you.
First things first…
What exactly is reduction and how to apply it in practice?
This is important because a poorly planned reduction will guarantee that you will regain the weight.
Reduction is the period in which we reduce our body weight. This is done by applying a caloric deficit. What is a deficit? This reduces our total energy demand by up to 20%. If you don’t know how much your total energy requirement is, you can use calculators available on the Internet. It is worth remembering that this will not, however, reflect 100% of our needs. You need to find your zero calories by trial and error. The safest option is to seek advice from a dietitian who will take into account many factors, such as gender, age, weight, and activity during the day.
Remember that the reduction must last and be planned over time. A healthy loss is about 1% of our body weight per week, which is usually from 0.5 to 1 kg. Obese people may notice a faster decline.
If your reduction is supervised by a dietitian or trainer, during the reduction he will use the so-called periodization of the reducing diet (there will be another article on this topic).
And now the most important question. How to get out of reduction?
1. Increase your caloric intake – you can’t start living like before right after you finish cutting. Good 4 dietary rules should accompany you for the rest of your life. Each week after the reduction, add 100-150 kcal and check how your body behaves. If your weight isn’t increasing, you can easily increase your calories every week until you reach your CPM (total metabolic rate, or daily energy requirement).
2. Don’t give up – by adding calories or reducing physical activity, we may notice an increase in body weight. This is also a normal phenomenon. If your weight increases, reduce your caloric intake by a few kcal. You don’t have to give up activity either. Training should be a permanent part of your life, not just a passing fad.
3. Don’t be paranoid – don’t look at yourself in the mirror all the time, don’t constantly check your weight. We can often convince ourselves that we have gained weight or that we will need to lose weight further.
4. Exercise – do not completely give up physical activity, as it also affects health.
5. Don’t overeat – if immediately after the reduction you eat everything you have been avoiding, such as sweets or processed foods (and high-calorie ones), your body weight may certainly increase. You don’t have to give up everything, but you do have to watch your calories. If you start eating more than your CPM, it will eventually affect your body weight and you will have to plan on reducing again.
6. Watch your habits – continue to eat healthily, and make sure you eat regularly.
7. Take care of your sleep – hygiene is important in the context of maintaining body weight. Sleep is regeneration, without it your body is in a constant state of struggle. This may impair the functioning of hormones that can cause weight gain.
8. Count calories – here we can go back to point 5. Remember that if you consume too many calories in relation to your needs, you will gain weight. You can eat healthily, but if you are in a caloric surplus, it may result in weight gain.
9. Don’t forget about water – a hydrated body is a healthy body. Water cleanses, prevents lymphatic stagnation, and regulates internal temperature.
10. Get tested – check hormones, lipid profile, and morphology. Be aware of what is happening inside you and react if necessary.
Remember that healthy habits are our lifestyle. Regardless of whether you are in the process of reducing or just after it, or maybe you do not want to lose weight at all – health is always the most important entity.
Your body is the best place you have to live – take care of it.
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