Are you looking for an effective way to get a flat stomach? Pilates training comes to the rescue. You can do the exercises online at home in a Pil…
7  Benefits of Yoga  for Your Health and Happiness Yoga is a powerful practice that can transform your body, mind, and spirit. Yoga is not just a phy…
7 Amazing Benefits of Yoga Tantra: The Ultimate Guide Yoga Tantra is a form of yoga that combines physical, mental, and spiritual practices to achiev…
DJoga is a beneficial system of physical, mental, and spiritual practices that originates from ancient Hindu traditions. Yoga classes are increasingl…
Do you practice yoga online and are looking for a way to encourage your loved one to practice together? Or maybe you want to strengthen your physical…
You can take care of your appearance yourself – in a natural, safe, and effective way. Instead of Botox, you can use facial yoga . You don’t have to …
Pilates, like yoga, can be practiced online. The undoubted advantage is convenience – you don’t have to go to the studio, because you can do it in th…
On January 25, we will have the first full moon this year, namely the full moon in proud and brave Leo. The Sun will be in the innovative and toleran…
This insight into the Vata dosha is part of a series of articles, available on the Yoga n' Ride blog, which deal with the fantastic world of…
This in-depth study on dosha Pitta is part of a series of articles, available on the Yoga n' Ride blog, which deal with the fantastic world…