Yoga – what it is, what it involves and what benefits it offers

Yoga is a spiritual discipline based on a subtle science that focuses on restoring harmony between the mind and body. It is the art and science of healthy living and is a form of alternative medicine that originated in ancient India. Are you wondering if this is something for you?

You can check it without leaving your home, at PortalYogi – Online Jogi Studio.

Even though its roots date back to 3000 BC, it was only in the 20th century that it became popular around the world. Currently, approximately 300 million people practice yoga every day. The word “yoga” comes from the Sanskrit root “yuj”, which means “to unite”, “yoke” or “to unite”.

Yoga has been practiced for thousands of years, and although many different interpretations and styles have developed, most of them have one thing in common: the ultimate goal of yoga is to achieve liberation from suffering.

According to yoga scriptures, the practice leads to the unification of individual consciousness with the Universal Consciousness, indicating perfect harmony between mind and body, Man and Nature. It sounds a bit magical, but yoga practice is much more than building awareness, learning proper breathing or practicing individual asanas.

what is yoga

Yes, each of these elements is part of a holistic yoga practice, which when combined constitute a tangible tool in improving the functioning of our entire body, both at the psyche and physis level.

Practice (practice) and everything will come – Ashtanga Yoga Guru – Sri K. Pattabhi Jois

Why is it worth practicing yoga?

A long-term yoga practice will help you reap more benefits and improve your overall well-being. Because it only takes a few minutes each day, you can easily find the right asanas for yourself and see the effects of the exercises.

Yoga – benefits for body and mind

Level of tension and stress

Meditation, breathing and specific asanas help regulate your heart rate. Lowering your heart rate calms your body and helps you respond positively to stress. It helps prevent insomnia by freeing the body from the stress that keeps you awake at night. Coping with stress improves overall health, increases immunity and reduces the risk of disease.

Weight control

Yoga stimulates metabolism, which promotes increased calorie burning. Daily practice promotes hormonal balance, making it easier to maintain a healthy weight. It affects cortisol levels in the body, which in turn helps regulate blood glucose levels, suppress appetite and prevent stress eating, which leads to weight gain.

yoga benefits


Practicing yoga daily helps you feel energized. Different positions allow for even distribution of energy throughout the body. Regular practice strengthens the body and helps you perform daily activities without feeling tired.


Yoga helps you learn to control your breathing, promoting relaxation and calm in both body and mind. Regular practice improves cognitive functions, which helps you concentrate better and absorb more information. It sharpens your concentration and helps you think more clearly. Reduces physical tension and mental stress.

Physical fitness

Slow movements and deep breaths increase blood flow and warm the muscles, while staying in the pose builds strength. Practicing yoga increases muscle mass and bone strength. They improve hormonal balance and joint flexibility.

Yoga – how to start practicing it?

The most important thing in practicing yoga at home and elsewhere is breathing, especially while maintaining a position. It is worth learning Pranayama, or breath control. Let your breath be your guide throughout your yoga practice.

In addition to proper breathing, meditation will also be helpful. All you need to do is sit in a comfortable position and for a few minutes calm down your body and mind, concentrate and direct your thoughts inward. You can also choose an intention for your practice at the beginning of meditation. Then all you need to do is choose your yoga style.

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Check which of the following styles will suit you best.

hand yoga

This practice is suitable for beginners, although it is gentle, it can still be mentally and physically challenging. It is also useful for people after injuries and seniors. If you are looking for yoga classes that will help you concentrate and be in the “here and now” – Hatha is for you. Vinyasa, Ashtanga and Iyengar come from this style of yoga.

Vinyasa Law

Called “flow yoga” because it involves smooth transitions between positions to the rhythm of breathing. Literally translated from Sanskrit it means “to arrange, to combine in a special way.” Vinyasa practice places great emphasis on the Sun Salutation asana, which is why most exercises focus heavily on this sequence.

Ashtanga yoga

It is an intense physical practice focused on smooth transitions between positions in an unchanging sequence. In Sanskrit, “ashta” means eight and “anga” means limbs and is based on a combination of 8 techniques. Ashtanga focuses on synchronizing movement with breathing, not on achieving perfect body alignment. It is sometimes called “meditation in motion”.

style legal

Kundalini yoga

It is firmly rooted in Indian philosophy and is based on the model of energetic anatomy (the concept of 8 chakras). Kundalini uses asanas, breath work, meditation, mantras and mudras.

Joga Iyengara

Called therapeutic yoga, it emphasizes the correctness, precision and anatomy of positions. This style of yoga is recommended for beginners, patient people and those who want to strengthen their body’s flexibility.

Are you looking for your yoga style? Check out the yoga challenge today and discover the style that suits you.

Necessary yoga equipment – ​​what do you need?

When practicing yoga, it is important not only to achieve physical and emotional goals, but above all, safety during exercise. That’s why you need a yoga mat that will provide grip and stability during exercise. In addition, the mat acts as a “pillow”, protecting knees and joints from the hardness of the floor.

For beginners, yoga blocks will be helpful in exercising, as they will help you, for example, reach the floor while working on increasing your flexibility. Like a yoga mat, the block increases safety and minimizes the risk of injury. If your yoga practice makes you sweat, such as power yoga, Vinyasa, or hot yoga, be sure to bring 2 towels – one to wipe your face and one to cover your mat.

Asanas for beginners

When starting your adventure with yoga, it is worth starting with a pose of low difficulty. A slow pace and learning patience are key, because not only will you not get discouraged, but you will also give yourself time to get to know your preferences and what exactly you are looking for.

Check out 5 yoga poses for beginners:

Forward bend in a cross-legged position, or Adho Mukha Sukhasana

A relaxing position that simultaneously stretches the spine and provides internal relief.

Cat Pose, or Marjaryasana

Asana to stretch the spine and gently massage the internal organs. It makes the spine flexible and stretches and strengthens the thoracic section. Additionally, it helps eliminate the effects of stress and effectively calms the mind.

Cow Pose, or Bitilasana

It stretches the front part of the torso and additionally provides a gentle massage of the spine and internal organs. It improves blood circulation, relieves stress and tones internal organs.

Warrior III Pose, or Virabhadrasana III

It strengthens the back muscles, arms, leg muscles (ankles, calves, thighs, buttocks) and abdominal muscles. An asana that develops and builds balance, additionally improves concentration and builds self-confidence.

Downward Dog Pose, or Adho Mukha Svanasana

A regenerating asana, calming the mind, relieving fatigue and restoring lost energy. It also combats pain and stiffness in the heels, stretches the shoulders, tendons, calves and hands. It strengthens the ankle area, relieves the symptoms of menopause and menstrual discomfort, and improves digestion.

Yoga techniques

Concentrating solely on precise execution of yoga exercises is only the proverbial half of the battle. To reap the full range of benefits from yoga practice, it is necessary to implement proper breathing, meditation and mindfulness techniques.

Basic techniques:

Breathing – Pranayama

  • Breath in yoga practice is a carrier of the so-called life energy. Prany. The more stable and deeper the breathing, the more the life energy reaches all the cells of the body.
  • Practice controlled breathing, such as diaphragmatic breathing or deep belly breathing.
  • Listen to your breathing: When entering positions that are too demanding, breathing can signal that we are overdoing it. It shortens and does not allow for free inhalation and exhalation. Don’t ignore this signal. Slow.


  • Focus on your breathing, mantra or concentration point.
  • Sit comfortably with a straight spine and focus your attention on the present moment.
  • Meditate at a fixed time, preferably every day.

Mindfulness, or mindfulness

  • Be present in every movement and position.
  • Practice being in the “here and now”.
  • Pay attention to your sensations, thoughts and emotions without judgment. Be understanding and patient with yourself.

Answer 4 questions to receive a personalized yoga or meditation program for your needs.

Yoga – can you practice it at home?

Definitely yes. For some, it will be even more convenient than going to a yoga studio. The most important thing is to find a place where you can put your yoga mat and practice for at least a dozen or so minutes a day. If you’re just starting your yoga challenge at home, make sure you use exercises prepared by qualified instructors to make your practice not only effective, but also safe.

Do not force yourself if a given position is uncomfortable or painful for you. If you don’t enjoy your yoga practice, you probably won’t want to continue. Yoga should be something you look forward to. Experiment with different yoga styles – over time you will find the one that best suits your needs. Find out how to start practicing yoga at home.

what is yoga

Yoga – contraindications

Is yoga for me? Yes, because practice has a positive effect not only on the body, but also on the mind. However, not all asanas will be suitable for everyone. Before you start practicing yoga, it is important to consider your age, health and fitness level. Each asana has its own set of contraindications:


Pregnant women should not practice rigorous asanas. Advanced core strengthening exercises, lying asanas, intense backbends, abdominal squeezing poses, or extreme twisting positions are generally contraindicated during pregnancy. Future mothers do not have to completely give up exercising – yoga during pregnancy will be a safe practice.


Asanas that allow for conscious relaxation will be helpful in this condition. Avoid inversion poses that put extra pressure on the heart, such as Downward Dog, Candle Pose (Sarvangasana), Handstand, or Bridge Pose (Setu Bandhasana).


Some positions, such as Downward Dog, are associated with an increase in intraocular fluid pressure. This can be a problem for people with glaucoma, especially if these types of positions are held for a long time. People suffering from glaucoma should avoid standing forward bends (Uttanasana), Plow pose (Halasana) and Legs against the wall pose (Viparita Karani).


Yoga can help relieve pain caused by compression of the sciatic nerve or piriformis muscle. However, some asanas may increase pain and should be avoided. Do not practice forward bends or extreme backbends. Stay away from poses such as the Back Body Stretch (Paschimottanasana), Standing Forward Torso Bend (Hastapadasana) or Turtle Pose (Kurmasana). Instead, work on gently stretching your hamstrings and glutes.

Knee pain

Asanas such as Triangle Pose (Trikonasana), Warrior Pose (Virabhadrasana), Chair Pose (Utkatasana) or Lotus Pose (Padmasana) are contraindicated for people suffering from knee pain. They place unwanted pressure on the knee or push it beyond its range of motion. Avoid all positions on your hands and knees.

Hernia and ulcers

Regenerating and calming forms of yoga are helpful for people suffering from these ailments. However, practicing rigorous asanas that strengthen the core muscles may worsen the symptoms. Avoid core-strengthening exercises and positions that involve abdominal pressure and intense twisting.

Recent surgeries

You should refrain from exercising for at least 3 months and consult a specialist if you have any doubts about whether you can return to practice.

Over the centuries, yoga has undergone evolutions that have enabled adaptations to the changing needs of individuals and the challenges of today. Today it is still changing, but still draws on traditional teachings and pursues the same goal of achieving harmony between mind and body. Everyone, regardless of age, gender or fitness level, can find the best yoga practice for themselves.


What does yoga mean?

Literally, yoga means “connection.” It is a physical, mental and spiritual practice that originates from ancient India. It aims to create unity between body, mind and spirit, as well as between the individual self and universal consciousness. Its goal is to neutralize thoughts and behaviors that are driven by our ego and achieve balance and spiritual awakening.

what is yoga

Is yoga for children?

Yes, it is not only suitable for adults. Yoga for children can help little ones learn important skills such as coping with anxiety, controlling emotions and reducing stress in a healthy way. Improves concentration and memory. It allows children to learn to stay in the “here and now”, increases body awareness and mindfulness, and self-esteem.

What do yogis believe?

Yogis seek harmony with the principles that govern the universe and strive to perfect themselves and achieve unity with the world. They may accept the concepts of karma (the law of cause and effect) and dharma (duty or the right path). Yogis do not use violence. They are guided by compassion and kindness towards themselves and others.

Practice yoga wherever you want and whenever you want at PortalYogi – Online Yoga Studio. Choose the style you want. Enjoy 24-hour access to hundreds of sessions and challenges with the best Polish teachers. “When you practice yoga once a week, you change your mind. When you practice twice a week, you change your body. When you practice yoga every day, you change your life.” Start the change with the first step now. Join the Online Yoga Studio and start practicing at home.

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